煤气中毒 历史 人类行为 精神健康 心理学 社会

从弗洛伊德到振动器19 世纪女性癔病治疗机 

Female Hysteria, a term historically associated with mysterious physical and emotional symptoms primarily experienced by women, played a significant role in the annals of medical history. Over centuries, it underwent a transformation in both understanding and treatment. One of the most intriguing aspects of this evolution is the connection between hysteria, “hysterical paroxysm” and the […]

人类行为 精神健康 心理学


黑暗异能者是一个迷人而神秘的种族,他们拥有独特的共鸣和操纵能力。他们在人类情感的阴影中游刃有余,能够利用移情的力量达到邪恶的目的。与同理心的人不同,黑暗移情者利用他们高度的敏感性来利用和控制他人。这一有趣的现象揭示 [...]

邪教 日本

精神控制。 邪教领袖使用的操纵技术

Cults have long been a source of fascination and fear in society. From the Jonestown massacre to the recent arrests of NXIVM leaders, the actions of these groups often leave people scratching their heads and wondering how anyone could fall under the spell of such dangerous and delusional individuals. In order to truly comprehend the […]

人类行为 心理学 工作场所心理学


Key points in concern trolling: What is concern trolling? If you’re like me, you can get really passionate when people touch on your ideas, norms and values. You’ve probably had your fair share of heated discussions too. Sometimes you’ll just agree to get it over with, a lot times you’ll simply agree to disagree (I’ve […]
