hersenen Dating persoonlijkheidstypes psychologie

Persoonlijkheidstype Tinder Bio

In the world of modern romance, finding your perfect match has evolved far beyond chance encounters and serendipitous meetings. Enter ‘Personality Type Tinder Bio’ a phenomenon that’s adding a whole new layer of compatibility to the swiping game. But what exactly is a personality type in the context of Tinder, and how can it transform […]

hersenen intelligentie

Probleemoplossende benaderingen: Welk type ben jij?

When it comes to addressing life’s challenges, we all possess our unique problem-solving approaches that reflect how we approach and conquer obstacles. From methodical analyzers who dissect complexities to innovative thinkers who forge new paths, each style offers a glimpse into the diverse ways our minds tackle problems. This journey of exploration invites us to […]


Eris Variant Covid On The Rise

The Eris Variant of Covid is increasing illness and hospitalizations in the U.S., Europe and Asia. Health authorities are pointing at the EG.5 “Eris” Covid, a subvariant of the Omicron variant that first emerged in November of 2021. In an august 9 press release, the WHO stated it is currently tracking several variants including EG.5, […]

menselijk gedrag geestelijke gezondheid narcisme psychologie

Covert Narcissism: Subtle Self-Centeredness

Covert narcissism, also known as vulnerable or closet narcissism, is a personality trait characterized by a pattern of self-centeredness, grandiosity, and a lack of empathy, just like its more overt counterpart. However, the key distinction lies in the way these traits are expressed and presented to the world. While overt narcissists exhibit their self-centeredness openly […]

intelligentie werkplekpsychologie

Using Emotional Intelligence In The Workplace

Emotional intelligence (in the workplace), often referred to as EQ (emotional quotient), is a concept of intelligence that encompasses the ability to recognize, understand, manage, and effectively use one’s own emotions as well as the emotions of others. It involves a set of skills and abilities that contribute to building and maintaining healthy relationships, making […]

intelligentie psychologie werkplekpsychologie

12 Intelligence Types Explained

Intelligence types are a multifaceted and complex cognitive phenomenon. Over the years, various methods have been developed to measure and understand intelligence. These approaches include traditional standardized IQ tests that assess logical reasoning and problem-solving skills, as well as more modern theories that emphasize multiple forms of intelligence, emotional intelligence, and practical skills. Each approach […]

flora en fauna insecten

Top 10 Most Horrifying Mating Rituals

The natural world is a realm of astonishing beauty and wonder, where countless species engage in intricate dances of survival and reproduction. However, hidden within the realms of nature’s tapestry lies a darker, more gruesome side to the process of procreation. Across various taxonomic groups, some animals display mating rituals that are nothing short of […]

dolfijnen flora en fauna

Gereedschapgebruik bij dieren

Het gebruik van gereedschappen, ooit beschouwd als een kenmerk van de uniciteit van de mens, heeft zich ontpopt als een fascinerend aspect dat de kloof tussen mens en dier overbrugt. Het vaardige gebruik van gereedschappen, dat lang geroemd is als een bepalend kenmerk van de menselijke evolutie en beschaving, blijkt een aanpassingsstrategie te zijn die zowel door mensen als door bepaalde diersoorten wordt toegepast. Van [...]

communicatietheorie menselijk gedrag psychologie

Een flirtfiasco: Het verhaal van de TikTok Driehoeksmethode

Flirten is een natuurlijk en fundamenteel aspect van menselijke interactie en dient als middel om interesse te tonen en een band op te bouwen met anderen. Hoewel er verschillende flirttechnieken en -methoden bestaan, zijn de meest succesvolle interacties geworteld in authenticiteit en oprechte verbondenheid. Dit artikel bespreekt de TikTok Driehoek Methode, een van de nieuwste TikTok trends die de [...]

misdaad menselijk gedrag psychologie maatschappij

Unmasking Serial Killers: The Dark Side of Compartmentalization

The Gilgo Beach killings, also known as the Long Island serial killings, unveiled a chilling tale of mystery and horror. As investigators searched for missing woman Shannan Gilbert in December 2010, they stumbled upon the remains of four women near Gilgo Beach. Subsequent efforts revealed ten victims, predominantly tied to the sex trade. Despite extensive […]
