kommunikasjonsteori gaslighting helligdager menneskelig atferd narsissisme narsissisme Psykologi Forhold samfunn

Giftig familiedynamikk: Strategier for motstandsdyktighet i ferien

Naviger i giftig familiedynamikk i høytiden: Lær å håndtere manipulasjon, gaslighting og narsissisme, og prioriter ditt eget velvære.

Historie samfunn

Ancient Sexual Practices: Harems & The Eunuch

Unveil the secrets of ancient civilizations in this exploration of harems, eunuch, and the meaning of other historical sexual practices.

hjerne Historie menneskelig atferd lingvistikk Psykologi samfunn

Metaforer: Kunsten å overbevise

Unlock the art of persuasion with metaphors! Learn about embodied cognition, the cognitive ease, and the linguistics that power them. From “Big Brother” to the “Butterfly Effect”

Fugler Dating utvikling flora og fauna menneskelig atferd personlighetstyper Psykologi Forhold samfunn

Fugletesten: En ny TikTok-trend

Explore the bird test, from its roots in the Gottman Institute’s relationship research to becoming a viral TikTok trend.

Dating vennskapets psykologi Historie menneskelig atferd personlighetstyper Psykologi Forhold samfunn

8 Theories of Mate Selection

Unravel the evolutionary and psychological theories of mate selection and understand the secrets behind our choice of partners.

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ADHD Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria: Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

Delve into the complex world of ADHD and Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD), learn about: symptoms, causes and treatments.

AI-generert AI på avveie algoritmer kunstig intelligens chatgpt databehandling etterretning metaverse Robotikk sosiale medier samfunn

Types of Artificial Intelligence

Delve into the Types of Artificial Intelligence: Its’ history, modern applications, and the ethical challenges AI brings

gaslighting Historie menneskelig atferd psykisk helse Psykologi samfunn

Fra Freud til vibratorer: Behandlingsmaskinen for kvinnelig hysteri på 1800-tallet 

Female Hysteria, a term historically associated with mysterious physical and emotional symptoms primarily experienced by women, played a significant role in the annals of medical history. Over centuries, it underwent a transformation in both understanding and treatment. One of the most intriguing aspects of this evolution is the connection between hysteria, “hysterical paroxysm” and the […]

barnepsykologi menneskelig atferd Psykologi Forhold samfunn

Barns utvikling: Betydningen av forholdet mellom foreldre og barn

Research indicates that a loving bond between parents and their children early in life significantly influences child development and fosters prosocial behavior. Parent-Child Bond and Prosocial Behavior: A University of Cambridge Study The University of Cambridge conducted a study using data from more than 10,000 people born between 2000 and 2002 to understand the long-term […]

angst barnepsykologi menneskelig atferd Psykologi Forhold samfunn psykologi på arbeidsplassen

Attachment Styles in Action: Understanding and Applying the Science

Discover the power of attachment styles and how they shape your relationships. Explore their history, psychology, and practical applications in our in-depth guide to healthier, more fulfilling connections.
