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Ketamin mot PTSD: Utforsking av løftet om psykedeliske terapier

From the rapid relief offered by ketamine for PTSD, to psilocybin, MDMA, LSD, and Ayahuasca, learn about the evolution of mental health care.

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MDMA for PTSD Therapy: A Promising Breakthrough in Mental Health Treatment and the Role of Other Psychedelics

Discover the future of innovative therapies like mdma ptsd therapy and their impact on those seeking relief from trauma.

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Body Doubling in ADHD Management

Explore body doubling in ADHD. Dive into the underlying principles, discover why it works, and weigh the pros and cons.

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Metaforer: Kunsten å overbevise

Unlock the art of persuasion with metaphors! Learn about embodied cognition, the cognitive ease, and the linguistics that power them. From “Big Brother” to the “Butterfly Effect”

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Objektpermanens ved ADHD: Booste hjernen din

Fordyp deg i kompleksiteten ved objektpermanens ved ADHD, utforsk vitenskapen bak og utfordringene knyttet til dette, og finn ut hvordan du kan trene opp objektpermanens!

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Trauma Doesn’t Always Lead To PTSD Symptoms

Discover how glucocorticoids impact PTSD symptoms and trauma development, and the implications for a potential treatment.

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ADHD Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria: Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

Delve into the complex world of ADHD and Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD), learn about: symptoms, causes and treatments.

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The Theory of Multiple Intelligences in the Age of AI

Learn about Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences, its’ original 8 forms and the extended 12 types of intelligence, in the age of AI.

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AUDHD: Når autisme møter ADHD

Å navigere i skjæringspunktet mellom autisme og ADHD: Forståelse, utfordringer og behandling

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Why Do We Dream?

Why do we dream? Explore the connection between culture and dream function. Learn how different societies interpret and use their dreams.
