インテリジェンス 職場心理学


Emotional intelligence (in the workplace), often referred to as EQ (emotional quotient), is a concept of intelligence that encompasses the ability to recognize, understand, manage, and effectively use one’s own emotions as well as the emotions of others. It involves a set of skills and abilities that contribute to building and maintaining healthy relationships, making sound decisions, and navigating social situations with empathy and awareness. What is Emotional Intelligence? There are typically five components of emotional intelligence in the workplace: What is My Emotional Intelligence? Recognizing your level of emotional intelligence can be a valuable self-awareness exercise. Here are some indicators that can help you assess whether you have low, […]

インテリジェンス 心理学 職場心理学


Intelligence types are a multifaceted and complex cognitive phenomenon. Over the years, various methods have been developed to measure and understand intelligence. These approaches include traditional standardized IQ tests that assess logical reasoning and problem-solving skills, as well as more modern theories that emphasize multiple forms of intelligence, emotional intelligence, and practical skills. Each approach offers a unique perspective on how to quantify and comprehend the diverse ways in which individuals demonstrate intellectual prowess and potential. In the quest to understand and measure this intricate trait, several approaches have been developed, each offering a distinct perspective on what constitutes intelligence and how it can be assessed. Intelligence Types There are […]

コミュニケーション理論 人間行動 心理学


Flirting is a natural and fundamental aspect of human interaction, serving as a means of expressing interest and building connections with others. While various flirting techniques and methods exist, the most successful interactions are rooted in authenticity and genuine connection. This article discusses the TikTok Triangle Method, one of the latest TikTok trends reaching the wider world, and a new flirting technique that gained popularity on the platform, and explores the importance of being true to oneself while navigating the complexities of flirting and dating. Read the story of Lily and Alex and learn how the Triangle Method influenced their relationship. Lily & Alex: Part One Once upon a time […]

犯罪 人間行動 心理学 社会



友情心理学 ガスライティング 人間行動 メンタルヘルス 心理学 職場心理学



アルゴリズム 人工知能 カルト宗教 メタバース


Metaverse cults are becoming a reality. When thinking of cults, we usually think about charismatic cult leaders, people living in isolated communities on remote farms, being subjected to manipulation, brainwashing and other forms of psychological (and physical) abuse. Not something any of us is ever likely to personally see or experience but safely through our television screens. But the invention of the Metaverse, with a little help from online polarization, has changed the way we interact with cults and has unwittingly turned us from passive viewers, to active members. What is a Cult? A cult can be broadly defined as a group or organization that exhibits certain characteristics, tactics, and […]

人間行動 メンタルヘルス 心理学


The Dark Empath, a fascinating and enigmatic breed, possess a unique blend of empathy and manipulation. They navigate the shadows of human emotions with deceptive finesse, capable of harnessing the power of empathy for malevolent purposes. Unlike their empathic counterparts, dark empaths utilize their heightened sensitivity to exploit and control others. This intriguing phenomenon reveals the sinister side of empathy, unmasking the individuals who adeptly navigate the realms of emotional influence and inflict damage with calculated precision. In this exploration, we delve into the complex nature of dark empaths, shedding light on their methods, motivations, and the impact they have on those who unwittingly fall within their grasp. p.s: want […]

コミュニケーション理論 人間行動 心理学 社会 職場心理学


象徴的相互作用論は社会学および心理学の理論であり、個人がコミュニケーションや相互作用を通じて、どのように共有された意味を発展させ、社会的現実を創造するかを考察するものである。他者との相互作用の中で、人々がシンボルやジェスチャー、言語に与える主観的な解釈や意味に焦点を当てている。いくつかの例を挙げながら、この理論を探ってみよう:象徴的相互作用論:主要人物 象徴的相互作用論の理論への重要な貢献者は以下の通りである:結論 象徴的相互作用論は、個人がいかに能動的に意味を創造し解釈するか、社会秩序がいかに相互作用を通じて確立され維持されるか、そして個人がいかに社会的文脈の中でアイデンティティを構築するかについて、貴重な洞察を提供する。コミュニケーションの主観的性質とシンボルの役割を理解することで、この理論は [...]...

ガスライティング 心理学


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), a complex and debilitating condition, affects millions of individuals worldwide. Sadly, many patients with CFS encounter an additional hurdle in their healthcare journey: the disbelief of doctors. This phenomenon can create a situation of medical gaslighting experienced by CFS patients. Let’s explore this narrative to gain a deeper understanding of the doctor-patien relationship dynamics and its impact on individuals living with CFS. What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), is a complex and debilitating condition characterized by persistent fatigue that is not alleviated by rest and is not explained by any other underlying medical condition. CFS affects multiple […]

ガスライティング 心理学


When we go to the doctor, we expect to be heard, understood, and treated with respect. But for many patients, this isn’t always the case. When doctors dismiss or invalidate our experiences and symptoms, it can leave us feeling frustrated, confused, and even gaslit. This phenomenon, known as medical gaslighting, can have serious consequences for our health and well-being, particularly when we’re dealing with chronic or poorly understood conditions. In this post, we’ll explore the issue of medical gaslighting in more detail and offer some strategies for dealing with it and advocating for yourself in healthcare. What is Medical Gaslighting? In medical gaslighting, a medical professional invalidates a patient’s symptoms, […]
