カルト宗教 日本

マインドコントロール カルト教団の指導者が使っている操り方のテクニック

Cults have long been a source of fascination and fear in society. From the Jonestown massacre to the recent arrests of NXIVM leaders, the actions of these groups often leave people scratching their heads and wondering how anyone could fall under the spell of such dangerous and delusional individuals. In order to truly comprehend the power that cult leaders hold over their followers, it is important to understand the tactics they use to control their minds. 1. Isolation One of the key tactics of cult leaders is to isolate their followers from outside influences. This can take the form of physical separation, such as when members are required to live […]

ガスライティング 心理学 職場心理学


ガスライティングとは、相手が自分の認識や記憶に疑問を抱くように仕向けるために、個人が用いる操作的なテクニックです。ガスライティングは一般的に個人的な人間関係に関連していますが、職場でも起こりえます。この記事では、仕事上でのガスライティングの兆候、従業員への影響、この有害な行為に対処するための手段を検討します。ガスライティングの定義 ガスライティングとは、相手に自分の記憶や認識、正気を疑わせる心理操作の一種です。多くの場合、操作者が出来事を否定したり、真実を捻じ曲げたり、被害者に記憶違いだと思わせたりします。職場でガスライティングが起こるのは、同僚が、[...]...

カルト宗教 日本



AIで生成 人工知能 犯罪 日本 心理学 社会


In recent years, Japanese serial killers have captured the attention of people around the world. While Japan is known for its low crime rate, a number of high-profile serial killers have emerged from the country in recent decades. These individuals have left a lasting impact on Japanese society and have also contributed to the field of psychology in various ways.One of the most notorious Japanese serial killers is Tsutomu Miyazaki, who was active in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Miyazaki was convicted of killing four young girls in Tokyo and Saitama, and is also known to have cannibalized and mutilated some of his victims. The details of his crimes […]

児童心理学 ガスライティング 人間行動 メンタルヘルス 心理学


Gaslighting is a form of manipulation. Through this form of manipulation, someone wants to make you doubt your own thoughts or beliefs. This involves the narcissist distorting reality in order to keep his own ego and self-image high.Your beliefs are undermined and you begin to doubt yourself. By applying Gaslighting, you begin to doubt your own perception and lose all control over yourself as a result. Gaslighting does not occur suddenly from day to day. It happens gradually and more and more the narcissist will make you doubt your beliefs. It has a slow build-up until the moment you no longer dare to have your own opinion or thoughts. Children […]

ガスライティング 人間行動 メンタルヘルス 心理学 職場心理学


In gaslighting, someone distorts the truth in order to get someone to increasingly doubt themselves. This can give the gaslighter power over them because, the more insecure the victim is, the more he or she relies on and becomes dependent on the gaslighter.Where does the term ‘gaslighting’ come from? And how do you recognise it? What is gaslighting? Gaslighting is a form of emotional manipulation. A gaslighter feeds his or her self-confidence by convincingly twisting and distorting the truth. The doubt this sows (“Am I going crazy?”) causes the victim to lean more and more heavily on the person doing the gaslighting, thereby making him or her feel increasingly important. […]

犯罪 心理学


If you’ve been bingeing Netflix’ serial killers series and you’re worried you might be living next-door to another Jeffrey Dahmer, you need not worry; he or she probably won’t pick you as their next victim, at least according to science and the study of the humble bumblebee. In order to track down and catch serial killers, police use algorithms created by studying bumblee behaviour. What’s the link? Bumblebees and serial killers have something in common, even if you don’t think so: Both prefer to stay close to home and don’t like to share their address. Now, it might be possible to locate the other by studying their routines. Geography based […]

心理学 職場心理学


Social media such as TikTok are flooded with workers ”quiet quitting” A pandemicera phenomenon starting with ”The Great Resignation”; quiet quitting became a less drastic version of really quitting your job. Quiet quitting is nothing new. It is the millenial workforce’ way of setting boundaries and keeping a healthy work-life balance. Just as quiet quitting can empower workers, so employers are quiet firing for a whole different set of reasons. Let’s start with the Great Resignation Quiet quitting has been hitting millenial-internet as it follows up to the ”Great Resignation” trend. A trend that has started during the tail end of the pandemic. As corona restrictions were lifted and businesses […]

人間行動 心理学 職場心理学



アルコール使用障害 薬物 人間行動 メンタルヘルス サイケデリック 心理学


Key points psilocybin alcoholism study: Psilocybin consumption with therapy curbs alcohol cravings A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Psychiatry shows that two doses of high potency psilocybin (a.k.a magic mushrooms), taken in combination with psychotherapy, curbs heavy drinking days among alcoholics by 83% compared with active placebo and psychotherapy. According to the study: ”participants were offered 12 weeks of manualized psychotherapy and were randomly assigned to receive psilocybin vs diphenhydramine during 2 day-long medication sessions at weeks 4 and 8. Outcomes were assessed over the 32-week double-blind period following the first dose of study medication. The study was conducted at 2 academic centers in […]
