ガスライティング 歴史 人間行動 メンタルヘルス 心理学 社会


Female Hysteria, a term historically associated with mysterious physical and emotional symptoms primarily experienced by women, played a significant role in the annals of medical history. Over centuries, it underwent a transformation in both understanding and treatment. One of the most intriguing aspects of this evolution is the connection between hysteria, “hysterical paroxysm” and the invention of the vibrator. In this article, we explore the historical journey of hysteria, its treatment by doctors, and the surprising path that led to the creation of the vibrator. Female Hysteria: A Historical Enigma Hysteria, etymologically rooted in the Greek word “hystera” meaning uterus, was believed to be a condition primarily afflicting women. It […]

人間行動 メンタルヘルス 心理学


The Dark Empath, a fascinating and enigmatic breed, possess a unique blend of empathy and manipulation. They navigate the shadows of human emotions with deceptive finesse, capable of harnessing the power of empathy for malevolent purposes. Unlike their empathic counterparts, dark empaths utilize their heightened sensitivity to exploit and control others. This intriguing phenomenon reveals the sinister side of empathy, unmasking the individuals who adeptly navigate the realms of emotional influence and inflict damage with calculated precision. In this exploration, we delve into the complex nature of dark empaths, shedding light on their methods, motivations, and the impact they have on those who unwittingly fall within their grasp. p.s: want […]

カルト宗教 日本

マインドコントロール カルト教団の指導者が使っている操り方のテクニック

Cults have long been a source of fascination and fear in society. From the Jonestown massacre to the recent arrests of NXIVM leaders, the actions of these groups often leave people scratching their heads and wondering how anyone could fall under the spell of such dangerous and delusional individuals. In order to truly comprehend the power that cult leaders hold over their followers, it is important to understand the tactics they use to control their minds. 1. Isolation One of the key tactics of cult leaders is to isolate their followers from outside influences. This can take the form of physical separation, such as when members are required to live […]

人間行動 心理学 職場心理学


