児童心理学 ガスライティング 人間行動 メンタルヘルス 心理学


Gaslighting is a form of manipulation. Through this form of manipulation, someone wants to make you doubt your own thoughts or beliefs. This involves the narcissist distorting reality in order to keep his own ego and self-image high.Your beliefs are undermined and you begin to doubt yourself. By applying Gaslighting, you begin to doubt your own perception and lose all control over yourself as a result. Gaslighting does not occur suddenly from day to day. It happens gradually and more and more the narcissist will make you doubt your beliefs. It has a slow build-up until the moment you no longer dare to have your own opinion or thoughts. Children […]

動植物 虫類


The world may soon be infested with serial killers. As we all know, honey bees play a crucial role in catching the likes of Jeffrey Dahmer, Ed Gein and more. If we don’t act now, the serial killers will prevail. All joking aside, honey bee lifespans are 50% shorter than they were fifty years ago. This decrease in longevity in lab-kept honey bees may be to blame for recent declines in honey production and colony losses. Honey bees’ lifespan decreased by 50% A new study by entomologists at the University of Maryland reveals that the lifespan for individual honey bees kept in a controlled, laboratory environment is 50% shorter than […]

ガスライティング 人間行動 メンタルヘルス 心理学 職場心理学


In gaslighting, someone distorts the truth in order to get someone to increasingly doubt themselves. This can give the gaslighter power over them because, the more insecure the victim is, the more he or she relies on and becomes dependent on the gaslighter.Where does the term ‘gaslighting’ come from? And how do you recognise it? What is gaslighting? Gaslighting is a form of emotional manipulation. A gaslighter feeds his or her self-confidence by convincingly twisting and distorting the truth. The doubt this sows (“Am I going crazy?”) causes the victim to lean more and more heavily on the person doing the gaslighting, thereby making him or her feel increasingly important. […]

犯罪 心理学


If you’ve been bingeing Netflix’ serial killers series and you’re worried you might be living next-door to another Jeffrey Dahmer, you need not worry; he or she probably won’t pick you as their next victim, at least according to science and the study of the humble bumblebee. In order to track down and catch serial killers, police use algorithms created by studying bumblee behaviour. What’s the link? Bumblebees and serial killers have something in common, even if you don’t think so: Both prefer to stay close to home and don’t like to share their address. Now, it might be possible to locate the other by studying their routines. Geography based […]

心理学 職場心理学


Social media such as TikTok are flooded with workers ”quiet quitting” A pandemicera phenomenon starting with ”The Great Resignation”; quiet quitting became a less drastic version of really quitting your job. Quiet quitting is nothing new. It is the millenial workforce’ way of setting boundaries and keeping a healthy work-life balance. Just as quiet quitting can empower workers, so employers are quiet firing for a whole different set of reasons. Let’s start with the Great Resignation Quiet quitting has been hitting millenial-internet as it follows up to the ”Great Resignation” trend. A trend that has started during the tail end of the pandemic. As corona restrictions were lifted and businesses […]



Communication is an ever present feature of human interaction. The five axioms of communication, formulated by Paul Watzlawick and his colleagues help to describe the processes of communication that take place during interaction and help to explain how a misunderstanding may come about. A few notes are added to tune the axioms better into a transcultural context. The five axiomas are: 1. One cannot not communicate. The first axiom shows that everything one does is a message: “Activity or inactivity, words or silence all have message value: they influence others and these others, in turn, cannot not respond to these communications and are thus themselves communicating” (Watzlawick, Beavin, and Jackson, […]

人間行動 心理学 職場心理学



アルコール使用障害 薬物 人間行動 メンタルヘルス サイケデリック 心理学


Key points psilocybin alcoholism study: Psilocybin consumption with therapy curbs alcohol cravings A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Psychiatry shows that two doses of high potency psilocybin (a.k.a magic mushrooms), taken in combination with psychotherapy, curbs heavy drinking days among alcoholics by 83% compared with active placebo and psychotherapy. According to the study: ”participants were offered 12 weeks of manualized psychotherapy and were randomly assigned to receive psilocybin vs diphenhydramine during 2 day-long medication sessions at weeks 4 and 8. Outcomes were assessed over the 32-week double-blind period following the first dose of study medication. The study was conducted at 2 academic centers in […]

人間行動 心理学


PSYCHOLOGY DAILY PILLS Preface: Lying is a very complex behavior, occurring in different forms and situations. It requires the liar not only to constantly keep the perspective of the to-be-deceived person in mind, but at the same time to remember and activate the truth, prevent the truth from slipping out, and flexibly switch between the lie and the truth. The affective correlates of lying seem to range from guilt and the fear of being discovered to a delight after successfully getting away with a lie. Because of the observed variability in the affective correlates of lying, most recent research on lie detection has started to explore methods that are based […]

うつ病 薬物 メンタルヘルス 心理学


2022年現在、ケタミンは60年以上の歴史がある。うつ病に対するケタミン療法は、科学的には比較的最近の話題であり、この記事では、ケタミンの起源と歴史的な(そして現在の)使用法、そしてケタミン注入がうつ病の即効性のある治療療法としてだけでなく、抗うつ薬の将来性についても少し掘り下げてみる。ケタミンとは?スペシャルK、ビタミンK、キットカット、悪名高いKホール。最近の若者は、俗語の多さから判断して、ケタミンが実際には明確な医学的適応を持つ正真正銘の薬物として始まったことを知らないかもしれない。ケタミンは元来、疼痛管理薬として、また [...]...
