デート 性格類型 心理学

パーソナリティ・タイプ ティンダー・バイオ

現代のロマンスの世界では、完璧な相手を見つけることは、偶然の出会いやセレンディピティな出会いをはるかに超えて進化している。性格タイプ・ティンダー・バイオ」は、スワイプ・ゲームに全く新しい相性のレイヤーを追加する現象だ。しかし、Tinderにおけるパーソナリティ・タイプとは一体何なのだろうか?この魅力的なコンセプトに飛び込んで、オンライン・デートをより充実させる秘密を解き明かそう。Tinderのプロフィールにおけるパーソナリティ・タイプとは?Tinderにおけるパーソナリティ・タイプのコンセプトは、その核心において、有名なマイヤーズ・ブリッグス [...]...



When it comes to addressing life’s challenges, we all possess our unique problem-solving approaches that reflect how we approach and conquer obstacles. From methodical analyzers who dissect complexities to innovative thinkers who forge new paths, each style offers a glimpse into the diverse ways our minds tackle problems. This journey of exploration invites us to understand and appreciate analytical thinking, creative innovation and practical pragmatism. Which type are you? Read on to find out! Types of problem-solving approaches Problem-solving is an essential cognitive skill that permeates every aspect of our lives, from tackling daily challenges to addressing complex issues in our personal and professional spheres. As individuals, we each possess […]



The Eris Variant of Covid is increasing illness and hospitalizations in the U.S., Europe and Asia. Health authorities are pointing at the EG.5 “Eris” Covid, a subvariant of the Omicron variant that first emerged in November of 2021. In an august 9 press release, the WHO stated it is currently tracking several variants including EG.5, and have classified the Eris Variant of Covid as a ”variant of interest” and stresses that: ”The risk remains of a more dangerous variant emerging that could cause a sudden increase in cases and deaths.” What is the Eris Variant? Who are at risk from the Eris Variant? COVID-19 and the Eris Variant can affect […]

人間行動 メンタルヘルス ナルシシズム 心理学


Covert narcissism, also known as vulnerable or closet narcissism, is a personality trait characterized by a pattern of self-centeredness, grandiosity, and a lack of empathy, just like its more overt counterpart. However, the key distinction lies in the way these traits are expressed and presented to the world. While overt narcissists exhibit their self-centeredness openly and seek attention through bragging and arrogance, covert narcissists mask their narcissistic tendencies beneath a facade of humility, victimhood, and sensitivity. This subtler approach can make it more challenging to recognize covert narcissists, as their behavior can be mistaken for genuine concern or introversion. Common Traits of Covert Narcissism: Excessive Sensitivity: Covert narcissists may react […]

インテリジェンス 職場心理学


Emotional intelligence (in the workplace), often referred to as EQ (emotional quotient), is a concept of intelligence that encompasses the ability to recognize, understand, manage, and effectively use one’s own emotions as well as the emotions of others. It involves a set of skills and abilities that contribute to building and maintaining healthy relationships, making sound decisions, and navigating social situations with empathy and awareness. What is Emotional Intelligence? There are typically five components of emotional intelligence in the workplace: What is My Emotional Intelligence? Recognizing your level of emotional intelligence can be a valuable self-awareness exercise. Here are some indicators that can help you assess whether you have low, […]

インテリジェンス 心理学 職場心理学


Intelligence types are a multifaceted and complex cognitive phenomenon. Over the years, various methods have been developed to measure and understand intelligence. These approaches include traditional standardized IQ tests that assess logical reasoning and problem-solving skills, as well as more modern theories that emphasize multiple forms of intelligence, emotional intelligence, and practical skills. Each approach offers a unique perspective on how to quantify and comprehend the diverse ways in which individuals demonstrate intellectual prowess and potential. In the quest to understand and measure this intricate trait, several approaches have been developed, each offering a distinct perspective on what constitutes intelligence and how it can be assessed. Intelligence Types There are […]

動植物 虫類



イルカ 動植物


Tool use, once considered a hallmark of human uniqueness, has emerged as a fascinating aspect that bridges the gap between humans and animals. Long celebrated as a defining feature of human evolution and civilization, the skillful use of tools has proven to be an adaptive strategy employed by both humans and select animal species. From our early ancestors crafting primitive stone tools to modern humans harnessing sophisticated technologies, the significance of tools cannot be overstated in shaping human progress. Yet, in recent decades, observations of tool use in certain animals have challenged the notion of human exceptionalism, revealing intriguing similarities and distinctions between our species and the natural world. This […]

コミュニケーション理論 人間行動 心理学


Flirting is a natural and fundamental aspect of human interaction, serving as a means of expressing interest and building connections with others. While various flirting techniques and methods exist, the most successful interactions are rooted in authenticity and genuine connection. This article discusses the TikTok Triangle Method, one of the latest TikTok trends reaching the wider world, and a new flirting technique that gained popularity on the platform, and explores the importance of being true to oneself while navigating the complexities of flirting and dating. Read the story of Lily and Alex and learn how the Triangle Method influenced their relationship. Lily & Alex: Part One Once upon a time […]

犯罪 人間行動 心理学 社会


