人間行動 メンタルヘルス ナルシシズム 心理学


Covert narcissism, also known as vulnerable or closet narcissism, is a personality trait characterized by a pattern of self-centeredness, grandiosity, and a lack of empathy, just like its more overt counterpart. However, the key distinction lies in the way these traits are expressed and presented to the world. While overt narcissists exhibit their self-centeredness openly and seek attention through bragging and arrogance, covert narcissists mask their narcissistic tendencies beneath a facade of humility, victimhood, and sensitivity. This subtler approach can make it more challenging to recognize covert narcissists, as their behavior can be mistaken for genuine concern or introversion. Common Traits of Covert Narcissism: Excessive Sensitivity: Covert narcissists may react […]
