gaslighting psikologi psikologi tempat kerja

Bahaya Tersembunyi dari Penyinaran Gas di Tempat Kerja

Gaslighting adalah teknik manipulatif yang digunakan oleh individu untuk membuat orang lain mempertanyakan persepsi dan ingatan mereka sendiri. Meskipun biasanya dikaitkan dengan hubungan pribadi, gaslighting juga dapat terjadi di tempat kerja. Artikel ini akan membahas tanda-tanda gaslighting di lingkungan profesional, dampaknya terhadap karyawan, dan langkah-langkah yang dapat diambil untuk [...]

kultus Jepang

Taktik Manipulasi Sekte Sesat: Bagaimana Sekte Sesat Mengendalikan Anggotanya

Taktik manipulasi kultus: mengapa orang bergabung dengan kultus?

algoritma lebah komputasi flora & fauna serangga

Algoritma di Alam

Algoritme di zaman kuno Ketika Anda memikirkan algoritme, Anda mungkin memikirkan superkomputer Wall Street yang melakukan ribuan perhitungan dan transaksi dalam sepersekian detik atau perusahaan media sosial yang memantau setiap klik dan komentar Anda, menargetkan Anda dengan iklan dan polarisasi konten. Namun, konsep algoritme telah [...]


Penjelasan inflasi

A quick Google news search yields some disturbing headlines but still no inflation explained: BBC‘’Cost of living: Japan inflation jumps to new 41-year high’’ Forbes‘’Is Inflation Created By Corporate Greed?’’ Bloomberg‘’China’s Reopening Comes With a $720 Billion Inflation Bomb’’ But what’s the deal with these price increases? In this article we’ll explain the negative and […]

lebah serangga

Lebah pembunuh

Menjelang Hari Lebah Sedunia, mari kita lihat lebih dekat salah satu spesies lebah yang paling menarik di planet ini: Lebah pembunuh. Asal-usul lebah madu Afrika Sementara sepupu mereka diketahui membantu polisi menangkap pembunuh berantai, lebah Afrika lebih suka melakukan pembunuhan sendiri. Pada tahun 1950-an, para peneliti Brasil mencoba [...]

algoritma komputasi media sosial

Perbaiki Polarisasi: Mulailah Menggulir dengan Teler.

The rise of Facebook (est. 2004) and Twitter (est. 2006), coupled with the coinciding increase in polarization, has been a hot topic in recent years. The basis of the discussion always seems to come down to striking a balance between profit and polarization. Solutions on how to fix polarization have been proposed by many: activists, […]

AI yang dihasilkan kecerdasan buatan kejahatan Jepang psikologi masyarakat

Pembunuh berantai Jepang

In recent years, Japanese serial killers have captured the attention of people around the world. While Japan is known for its low crime rate, a number of high-profile serial killers have emerged from the country in recent decades. These individuals have left a lasting impact on Japanese society and have also contributed to the field […]

AI yang dihasilkan kecerdasan buatan chatgpt

Fusi nuklir seperti yang dijelaskan oleh AI.

To celebrate our recent human scientific and technological milestones in one article: read about the history and progress in nuclear fusion research, as summarized by our new AI chat buddy from OpenAI! (P.s: we’ve added the headings, as we forgot to enter them in our prompt, and as always, our evaluation at the end is […]

kecerdasan buatan chatgpt komputasi masyarakat

Kematian generasi milenial: semua memuji Tuan-tuan pembuat konten AI baru kita!

Death of the millenial content creator: all hail our new AI content creation Overlords! OpenAI have finally released their ChatGPT for public testing, and boy are the results amazing! Millennial content creators: beware! The AI will generate a response based on the questions or ‘’prompts’’ we have given it.The prompts we use will be in […]

Penyakit Crohn obat-obatan Usus kolitis ulseratif

Harapan ganja untuk Kolitis Ulseratif dan penyakit Crohn

According to scientists, the inflammatory bowel diseases Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease could be effectively treated with cannabis-derived chemicals. Cannabinoids THC and cannabidiol, which can be found in the cannabis plant, have been shown to interact with the body’s system that regulates gut function in laboratory tests. Chrohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis One in 250 […]
