teoría de la comunicación gaslighting vacaciones comportamiento humano narcisismo narcisismo psicología relaciones sociedad

Dinámicas familiares tóxicas: Estrategias para resistir en vacaciones

Navegar por dinámicas familiares tóxicas durante las vacaciones: Aprende a lidiar con la manipulación, el gaslighting, el narcisismo y prioriza tu bienestar.

ansiedad Citas amistad psicología gaslighting narcisismo narcisismo tipos de personalidad psicología relaciones superación personal

Ghosting y Gaslighting: Desentrañar la red psicológica

Desvele el dolor silencioso del ghosting, su conexión con el gaslighting y los conceptos psicológicos implicados.

gaslighting historia comportamiento humano salud mental psicología sociedad

De Freud a los vibradores: La máquina de tratamiento de la histeria femenina del siglo XIX 

Female Hysteria, a term historically associated with mysterious physical and emotional symptoms primarily experienced by women, played a significant role in the annals of medical history. Over centuries, it underwent a transformation in both understanding and treatment. One of the most intriguing aspects of this evolution is the connection between hysteria, “hysterical paroxysm” and the […]

covid gaslighting comportamiento humano salud mental psicología sociedad

Long COVID Medical Gaslighting: Cuando su médico no le cree.

Lea sobre los efectos y consecuencias de la gasificación médica de los enfermos de covagilismo prolongado, y sobre cómo puede mejorarse la situación.

gaslighting psicología

Cuando su médico no le cree: Luz de Gas Médica en el Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), a complex and debilitating condition, affects millions of individuals worldwide. Sadly, many patients with CFS encounter an additional hurdle in their healthcare journey: the disbelief of doctors. This phenomenon can create a situation of medical gaslighting experienced by CFS patients. Let’s explore this narrative to gain a deeper understanding of the […]

gaslighting psicología

Cuando su médico no le cree: Navegando por el gaslighting médico

When we go to the doctor, we expect to be heard, understood, and treated with respect. But for many patients, this isn’t always the case. When doctors dismiss or invalidate our experiences and symptoms, it can leave us feeling frustrated, confused, and even gaslit. This phenomenon, known as medical gaslighting, can have serious consequences for […]

sectas Japón

Control Mental: Técnicas de manipulación utilizadas por los líderes de sectas

Cults have long been a source of fascination and fear in society. From the Jonestown massacre to the recent arrests of NXIVM leaders, the actions of these groups often leave people scratching their heads and wondering how anyone could fall under the spell of such dangerous and delusional individuals. In order to truly comprehend the […]

gaslighting psicología psicología del trabajo

El daño oculto del Gaslighting en el lugar de trabajo

Gaslighting is a manipulative technique used by individuals to make others question their own perceptions and memories. While it is commonly associated with personal relationships, gaslighting can also occur in the workplace. This article will examine the signs of gaslighting in a professional setting, its impact on employees, and steps that can be taken to […]

psicología infantil gaslighting comportamiento humano salud mental psicología

Padres narcisistas y gaslighting en los hijos

Gaslighting is a form of manipulation. Through this form of manipulation, someone wants to make you doubt your own thoughts or beliefs. This involves the narcissist distorting reality in order to keep his own ego and self-image high.Your beliefs are undermined and you begin to doubt yourself. By applying Gaslighting, you begin to doubt your […]

gaslighting comportamiento humano salud mental psicología psicología del trabajo

Gaslighting: significado, síntomas, ejemplos, reconocimiento y prevención.

In gaslighting, someone distorts the truth in order to get someone to increasingly doubt themselves. This can give the gaslighter power over them because, the more insecure the victim is, the more he or she relies on and becomes dependent on the gaslighter.Where does the term ‘gaslighting’ come from? And how do you recognise it? […]
