gaslighting Psykologi Psykologi på arbejdspladsen

Den skjulte skade ved gaslighting på arbejdspladsen

Gaslighting is a manipulative technique used by individuals to make others question their own perceptions and memories. While it is commonly associated with personal relationships, gaslighting can also occur in the workplace. This article will examine the signs of gaslighting in a professional setting, its impact on employees, and steps that can be taken to […]

Kulter Japan

Sektens manipulationstaktik: Hvordan kulter kontrollerer medlemmer

Sektens manipulationstaktik: Hvorfor tilslutter folk sig sekter?

algoritmer bier databehandling flora & fauna Insekter

Algorithms in Nature

Algorithms in ancient times When you think of algorithms, you’re probably thinking of Wall Street supercomputers whizzing around making thousands of calculations and transactions in a fraction of a second or social media companies monitoring your every click and comment, targeting you with ads and polarizing content. The concept of an algorithm however, has been […]


Inflation explained

A quick Google news search yields some disturbing headlines but still no inflation explained: BBC‘’Cost of living: Japan inflation jumps to new 41-year high’’ Forbes‘’Is Inflation Created By Corporate Greed?’’ Bloomberg‘’China’s Reopening Comes With a $720 Billion Inflation Bomb’’ But what’s the deal with these price increases? In this article we’ll explain the negative and […]

bier Insekter

Killer bees

With World Bee Day coming up, let’s take a closer look at one of the most fascinating bee species on the planet: The killer bee. Origins of Africanized honey bees While their cousins are know to help police catch serial killers, Africanized bees prefer to do the killing themselves. In the 1950s, Brazilian researchers attempted […]

algoritmer databehandling sociale medier

Fix polarisering: Begynd at scrolle skæv.

The rise of Facebook (est. 2004) and Twitter (est. 2006), coupled with the coinciding increase in polarization, has been a hot topic in recent years. The basis of the discussion always seems to come down to striking a balance between profit and polarization. Solutions on how to fix polarization have been proposed by many: activists, […]

AI genereret kunstig intelligens forbrydelse Japan Psykologi samfund

Japanske seriemordere

In recent years, Japanese serial killers have captured the attention of people around the world. While Japan is known for its low crime rate, a number of high-profile serial killers have emerged from the country in recent decades. These individuals have left a lasting impact on Japanese society and have also contributed to the field […]

AI genereret kunstig intelligens chatgpt

Kernefusion forklaret af en kunstig intelligens.

To celebrate our recent human scientific and technological milestones in one article: read about the history and progress in nuclear fusion research, as summarized by our new AI chat buddy from OpenAI! (P.s: we’ve added the headings, as we forgot to enter them in our prompt, and as always, our evaluation at the end is […]

kunstig intelligens chatgpt databehandling samfund

Death of the millenial: all hail our new AI content creation Overlords!

Death of the millenial content creator: all hail our new AI content creation Overlords! OpenAI have finally released their ChatGPT for public testing, and boy are the results amazing! Millennial content creators: beware! The AI will generate a response based on the questions or ‘’prompts’’ we have given it.The prompts we use will be in […]

Crohn's disease stoffer Tarm colitis ulcerosa

Cannabis hope for Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s disease

According to scientists, the inflammatory bowel diseases Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease could be effectively treated with cannabis-derived chemicals. Cannabinoids THC and cannabidiol, which can be found in the cannabis plant, have been shown to interact with the body’s system that regulates gut function in laboratory tests. Chrohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis One in 250 […]
