adhd hjerne Demens Psykologi

ADHD in Adults Linked to Higher Dementia Risk; Medication Key

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects both children and adults, characterized by symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. A recent study conducted by Rutgers University has unveiled a disconcerting link between adult ADHD and the risk of developing dementia. In this article, we delve deeper into the study’s findings, emphasizing the […]

angst Børnepsykologi menneskelig adfærd Psykologi relationer samfund Psykologi på arbejdspladsen

Attachment Styles in Action: Understanding and Applying the Science

Discover the power of attachment styles and how they shape your relationships. Explore their history, psychology, and practical applications in our in-depth guide to healthier, more fulfilling connections.

mental sundhed filosofi Psykologi selvforbedring

Imposter Syndrome According To Socrates

Explore the timeless wisdom of Socrates and discover how embracing imposter syndrome can be a transformative journey towards self-improvement and personal growth. Unlock your true potential through the lens of philosophy in this insightful exploration

hjerne Dating menneskelig adfærd personlighedstyper Psykologi relationer

I et spektrum på Tinder

Explore the multifaceted meaning of the “On a Spectrum” tag on Tinder, delving into sleep habits, autism, and sexuality. Learn how to approach this tag thoughtfully in conversations with potential matches.

angst hjerne historie menneskelig adfærd intelligens filosofi Psykologi selvforbedring

Sokratiske spørgsmål i CBT: En guide til tankevækkende undersøgelse

Sokratiske spørgsmål: Lean om dens oprindelse, dens anvendelse inden for kbt, psykologi, uddannelse, kritisk tænkning og intellektuel vækst.

angst hjerne ferie menneskelig adfærd Insekter mental sundhed Psykologi samfund

Scary Science: The Mysteries Behind Halloween Chills

Scary Science: Discover the psychological, physiological, and evolutionary aspects that make fear a central element of Halloween!

covid gaslighting menneskelig adfærd mental sundhed Psykologi samfund

Long COVID Medical Gaslighting: When Your Doctor Doesn’t Believe You.

Read about the effects and consequences of medically gaslighting long covid sufferers, and how the situation can be improved

Dating venskabets psykologi menneskelig adfærd personlighedstyper Psykologi relationer

Åben for at udforske mening: Tinder-forholdets stilarter

open to exploring on tinder: what is its meaning, and what type of relationship styles are there?

hjerne menneskelig adfærd mental sundhed Psykologi

CPTSD: Symptomer, årsager og behandlinger

Forskellen mellem cptsd og ptsd forklaret

hjerne menneskelig adfærd mental sundhed Psykologi

Borderline personlighedsforstyrrelse: Årsager, symptomer og behandling

What is Borderline Personality Disorder? Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a complex and often misunderstood mental health condition. Characterized by emotional instability, turbulent relationships, identity disturbances, and impulsivity, BPD can significantly impact a person’s life. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of BPD, offering insights, stories, and guidance to foster a better understanding […]
