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Ketamin til PTSD: Udforskning af løftet om psykedeliske terapier

From the rapid relief offered by ketamine for PTSD, to psilocybin, MDMA, LSD, and Ayahuasca, learn about the evolution of mental health care.

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Lær alt om personlighedstypen INFJ. Dyk ned i deres styrker, svagheder, parforhold, kunstpræferencer og karrierevej.

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Kan et barn få en overdosis af melatonintyggegummi?

"At introducere melatonin tidligt i livet kan også have en anden utilsigtet konsekvens, siger Hartstein: Det kunne sende et budskab om, at hvis du har problemer med at sove, er en pille svaret."

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Ancient Sexual Practices: Harems & The Eunuch

Unveil the secrets of ancient civilizations in this exploration of harems, eunuch, and the meaning of other historical sexual practices.

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MDMA for PTSD Therapy: A Promising Breakthrough in Mental Health Treatment and the Role of Other Psychedelics

Discover the future of innovative therapies like mdma ptsd therapy and their impact on those seeking relief from trauma.

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8000 Steps A Day: Walking Towards Immortality!

Embark on a journey to better health and immortality with our in-depth exploration of the science behind 8000 steps a day.

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Body Doubling in ADHD Management

Explore body doubling in ADHD. Dive into the underlying principles, discover why it works, and weigh the pros and cons.

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Metaforer: Kunsten at overbevise

Unlock the art of persuasion with metaphors! Learn about embodied cognition, the cognitive ease, and the linguistics that power them. From “Big Brother” to the “Butterfly Effect”

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Objektpermanens ved ADHD: Boost din hjerne

Dyk ned i kompleksiteten af objektpermanens ved ADHD, udforsk videnskaben bag og de tilknyttede udfordringer, og hvordan man træner det!

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Fugletesten: En ny TikTok-trend

Explore the bird test, from its roots in the Gottman Institute’s relationship research to becoming a viral TikTok trend.
